Papa holding Julian
Rory holding Julian
Papa and his kiddos
Proud God-Mama
The ceremony itself
Parents and God-parents posing with Fr. Lenihan
Armando told me to stick out my tongue
Parents, God-parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and sister
Sofia, Marina, Rory, Seti, Me, Nana, Great-grandma and Julian
Julian, Julian's Papa, Julian's Papa's Papa, and Julian's Papa's Papa's Papa
Martos men
...and Fr. Lenihan
Mama, Papa and the great-granparents
Martos siblings and Julian
Seti and Grandpa showing him off
Nana and great-grandma
Mama snuggles
What a pretty gown
Papa, Julian, Manolo and Emilio (cousins from Argentina)
...and Fr. Lenihan
Rory was not pleased. All she wanted was Seti.
Tidiane and Tia Mina
Tia Fia and Moi
Seti, Rory, Tia Fia and Alex
Mama, Papa, Justin, Maria, Fernando and Melissa
Juan and Mabel
Love the eyebrow raise
Mama's godson's Grandparents, Mitch and Stevie
Grandpa and Grandma
Nana and Barbara
Pictures, pictures everywhere
Grandpa's got Rory
Look at her little legs
Rory "helping" with julian's gifts
Thomas blanket from Seti
Proud God-mama
"Rory want some cake."
Showing off the kiddos (look at Rory eat)
Serious face
He's looking at you!
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