Julian in a jungle?
Nope, bringing trees home in the bike!
We did this once before back in May of 2008
Waddle and Swaddle, the best store ever, just closed in January
Jules stealing the shot
Handsome little devil isn't he?
First steps! He's a walker, now! (no sound, sorry)
Rory took her first steps at W&S as well. Way to keep the tradition alive, boy-o
Jules discovered a plate
And a little girl!
Jules and our friends' daughter, also named Rory, sitting on Rory's mom. This is Rory II's 3rd birthday!
He has figured out why people do it
Boy in blocks!
The lime tree was killed in the fall, so we just got a replacement
These are (most of) the ladies who have worked there, and Rory and Jules
60th week Photos
62nd week Photos
Big Sister Rory's Page