This is Julian Antonio Martos

The sweetest, happiest, most loving one-year-old you'll ever meet

December 4th Update:

One hundred fourth week of life

Last week as a one-year-old!

November 26th Update:

One hundred third week of life

Little sweetie bear

November 19th Update:

One hundred second week of life

New Friend

November 12th Update:

One hundred first week of life


November 4th Update:

One hundredth week of life


October 29th Update:

Ninety Ninth week of life

Head doctor and pumpkins

October 22nd Update:

Ninety Eighth week of life

Swings and parks and leaves

October 15th Update:

Ninety Seventh week of life


October 8th Update:

Ninety Sixth week of life

Room all done

October 1st Update:

Ninety Fifth week of life

Downtown and new clothes

September 24th Update:

Ninety Fourth week of life

Adjusting on in

September 17th Update:

Ninety Third week of life


September 10th Update:

Ninety Second week of life

Home sweet home

September 3rd Update:

Ninety First week of life

Last week in Emeryville

August 27th Update:

Ninetieth week of life

Andy's house

August 20th Update:

Eighty-ninth week of life


August 13th Update:

Eighty-eighth week of life

Out walking

August 6th Update:

Eighty-seventh week of life

A boy and his dog

July 30th Update:

Eighty-sixth week of life

Mama's birthday at Disneyland

July 23rd Update:

Eighty-fifth week of life

Not many photos

July 16th Update:

Eighty-fourth week of life


July 9th Update:

Eighty-third week of life

New Cousins

July 2nd Update:

Eighty-second week of life


June 25th Update:

Eighty-first week of life

Cherry Picking

June 18th Update:

Eightieth week of life

Lots of pictures

June 11th Update:

Seventy-ninth week of life

Unlucky Boy-o

June 4th Update:

Seventy-eighth week of life


May 28th Update:

Seventy-seventh week of life

Sleepy angel

May 21st Update:

Seventy-sixth week of life

Hat dance!

May 14th Update:

Seventy-fifth week of life

Mothers' Day

May 7th Update:

Seventy-fourth week of life

Mama's goober

April 30th Update:

Seventy-third week of life


April 23rd Update:

Seventy-second week of life

First carnival

April 16th Update:

Seventy-first week of life


April 9th Update:

Seventieth week of life

Our daughter, Juliet

April Fool!

April 2nd Update:

Sixty-ninth week of life


March 26th Update:

Sixty-eighth week of life


March 19th Update:

Sixty-seventh week of life

So giggly, and Papa's birthday

March 12th Update:

Sixty-sixth week of life

B is for Boy-o

March 5th Update:

Sixty-fifth week of life

Boy-o and Girly

February 26th Update:

Sixty-fourth week of life

Love the hair

February 19th Update:

Sixty-third week of life

Cutie Bootie

February 12th Update:

Sixty-second week of life

Happy Chinese New Year

February 5th Update:

Sixty-first week of life

He walks!

January 29th Update:

Sixtieth week of life

More parks

January 22nd Update:

Fifty-ninth week of life

More parks

January 15th Update:

Fifty-eighth week of life

First Park Day

January 8th Update:

Fifty-seventh week of life

No Rory

January 1st Update:

Fifty-sixth week of life

New Year's

December 25th Update:

Fifty-fifth week of life

Party and Christmas

December 18th Update:

Fifty-fourth week of life

First steps!

December 11th Update:

Fifty-third week of life

First birthday party!


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