If You Want To Help

Anything you want to do would be helpful, and we appreciate it all.

If you're looking for ideas, and you're in our area, here's what would be of the most help to us:

Someone to come play video games with Needlenoggin

A babysitter for Little Monkey and Rorysaurus so Tuffy and Round Peg can get some quiet time

A math tutor


If you're not in the SF Bay and would still like to help, here's some things hat can help from a distance:

We've got a service in Berkeley that brings us fresh, home cooked meals on doctor's appointment days. Click over to Home On The Range Meals and you can add to our account. Email one of us if you need a last name for the account

We still don't have any county or federal assistance for Needlenoggin, and besides his rent and bills, he's now got to purchase his wheelchair and medical supplies out of pocket because there's a freeze on Medi-Cal approvals in the state. He has a donation account set up at Washington Mutual, if you'd like to donate:
You can mail a check for account #3171400381 to Washington Mutual/JP Morgan Chase Branch
5747 Christie Ave, Emeryville, CA 94608-2412



Mostly Medical Misadventures and Mishaps