Photos Taken 8/19-8/25
Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!
Rory, 3 days old, sitting in her Papsan chair. Right before this she was taken in to her Pediatrician, who told us she's lost an inch in height (due to the swelling in her head going down) and had gained an ounce!
Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!
Rory's First Bottle (still Mama's milk) on 8/24. Carissa had to go to the hospital to see her grandmother (45 minutes away) and Rory couldn't come, so Daddy got to feed her! Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!
8/25 Rory is a week old (and SOOOOO cute in Nana's arms) Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!
Another 1 week shot (her waking up on the bed). Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!
and her 1 week mug shots! Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!
Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!
Be sure to tune in next week for her 2 week shots!
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