Rory's 20th week (New Years and some other Christmas Photos)

Photos Taken 12/29 - 01/05

First, a tiny Christmas Flashback

Christmas Eve Photos at Carissa's Mom's (12/24)

At Bostom Market with Aruni (12/26)

Now, the new ones!

Rory with Kaylie (background) and Juliet Maffeo at Kim and Dan's New Year's Party(12/31)

The Christmas Tree set up at Carissa and Pablo's...and a Santa stocking Hanger. Since we missed Chirstmas up in the bay, we came home and did a gift exchange with Airial, Ethan and Clinton, and opened our "at home" stockings (1/02)

Rory with her Christmas Stocking (Mama made that!) (1/02)

Our 2005 ornaments (1/02)

Ethan and Rory (the hand on the back of the couch is Clinton climbing it) (1/02)

A dress Charles and Wendy gave us (since there's no way it will fit by easter) (1/03)

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