Rory's 30th week (laugh, tooth, shoes)

Photos Taken 03/10-3/17

She's getting to drive the Camaro

With a little help from Andrew

"This is supposed to be comfy?"

"This one is better"

"It costs HOW much?!?!"

With Betsy and Sofie

Sofie loves Rory

Stylish carseat

With the other Sofia

With Grandpa at Sofia's

"OOoooh Camera!"

Mama's tattoo has Rory's birthday on it!

Blue dress and sunbonnet

A walker!

Nana and June at Journey of Faith

"I'm at the airport!"

Student parent center

In her new room with Papa

New sweater dress

Grandpa loves me!

Funny hat

With grandpa

With grandma

Red wagon


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