Photos Taken 8/17 - 8/23
Pineapple cake breakfast
Happy Birthday, Rory!
Splash Loving the water
Tickles Climbing in her bikini
Moose, Rory and Isis (and Jaren)
Rory (in her new dress from Athena) with her cake and grandmothers
Make a wish, Rory!
Suhay, Grace (her sister) and Sam (her daughter)
Mama called dibs on Rory's head
Mooser is TOO CUTE!
Purple glasses
She looks like Freita in 1952!
Dancing with Papa
Ready, set, go!
Mama and Tia Cindy
Porter clan
With Seti
With Grandpa
Rory kissing Allegra (moosie's little sister)
You'll get a baby to play with soon, Rory
Allegra with Mama (Mercedes)
Rory's worn out
"night night"
The gifts from Suhay (and Rory in Mama's eyeshadow)
Kissing her new mono (from Mercedes, Kory, Moose and Allegra)
Her purse (::sigh::) from Cindy
The castle from Isis and Jaren (and their folks)
Seti made her that dress!
A, a, a...what begins with a? A new Seuss book from Jacque and Joey
New bath toy from Flores and Rachael (she thinks it's a monkey in a boat)
Lion Face!
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