Rory's 57th week (Torrance)

Photos Taken 9/5-9/21

Mama's got an IZZY!

Rory's "cousin"

Visiting Baba (her GREAT grandmother) in the hospital after Baba's stroke

Dancin' with grandpa!

Grandpa's birthday bash

"Who are you? What is going on???"

"Me, Pablo, Rory and Isabelle (no, we did not have another baby!!!)

Leather baby skirt!

With Uncle Alex. Look at the Mohawk!

One of the pictures for Grandpa

Another good one

Grandpa's 50th birthday gift (that and a led zep collection)

Back with Baba on Sunday

Wagon ride!


Big goofy baby grins

"I climbed up here all by myself!"

"And I'll be thrilled until I figure out I can't get down!"

"Look at my push walker!"


Helping Mama sweep

"How do I get out of here?"

"I've been eating mud!"

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