Photos Taken 10/12 - 10/18
Christmas dress fits! Yay!
Doesn't she look pleased?
Dinner in Andy's room
"I've got a button!"
Dancing with Liz at Spice of Life (Harvest festival in Berkeley)
"Mas dancing!"
"Nice cow, Mama"
"Kickens!" (Chickens)
PATIENT kickens
Like I said, calm kickens
Have you ever seen birds this relaxed about an attack 2 year old?
"Baa-baa want besos"
"Goat!" She simply would not believe this was a bunny. It was a dog. 7 am at the DMV. In her sling.
"Mono sweepy in circo-pocket, Mama" (The sling is a giant pocket, and it has rings (circles). I suppose it makes sense) Asleep, on a potty, on a changing table, with a banana. Watch the video. See? Cat-sitting Horsie besos Ooooh! Papa and Rory! "Wheee, Papa!" All by herself She likes this park, too! All to herself A monkey, just like Papa Ooogling the boys Rolling in the dirt
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