135th Week (Surgery again)

Photos Taken 3/14 - 3/20


In Papa's lap

With tia Fia at church

Pouting on the curb

Tia Fia

Suck a thumb

Out for Uncle Andy's 22nd birthday

We practiced for a long time

Papa's birthday

Uncle Bob

On Papa's back

Mama's earrings

Mama's little model

Ooooh, trees!

"Line man, the hurk and new-guy!"

(Spiderman, the Hulk and Iron man)


Being and elephant

Snuggling Mama

Hospital Jams and sticker

Changing Batman's diaper

She took the urple motorcycle sticker and tore it in half. Then said "Like Andy's?"

Calling Seti

On the cast dino (after the sedative was administered)

the nurses taped up Batman for her, too

She ate her pancake into the "bat circle" all by herself

Dressed up for Good Friday mass (on Thursday night)

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