Photos (and videos) taken May of 2009
"Locking up" her bike
There she goes
Making Mothers' Day cards
Good color-er
Apartment garden
She planted this freesia for me back in fall
Painting buckets
Lemon tree bucket
Buddah's hand bucket
Rory loves her garden
She'll introduce you
Making breakfast for Mama
Breakfast in bed
Mama's Day snuggles
Mothers' Day park excusrion
Swinging WITH Mama
Hop,hop, hop
"I see you!"
Such a happy girl
Out for a bike-ride
Back at the aquarium
Touching a crab
Little fish
Ugly fish
Leopard shark fish
Happy as a...
"Nemo fish" ::sigh::
Bat Ray
Touching the bat rays
She loves it
Friendly things, though
Shark cookie
Back home, she "keeps Papa's spot warm" while he's in Monterey
At BORP's power-soccer game
Rory's new bike-contraption
Climbing at Sadie-Dey
Look at her abs!
What a bat-physique
Batman sings
Doctor implements (to fix Bob)
Cool swing
Teaching Jules to drum
Tiger coaster with Mama
...and Papa
Airplane ride!
And spinney-rides
Fire truck
Mama's gypsie
Doing Wii-fit
Half-moon pse
Ain't she cute?
On the bus-ride home
Feeding geese
Climbing like a monkey
Harassing the geese
Running is awesome
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June 2009 photos