Shower at Billy's Cafe

This shower was pulled together by Rory's godmother, Annie Reynoso, and her sister Betsy Guest Rivera. We had some schduling issues due to miscommunications with the cafe, but it tured out beautifully (look at the murals on those walls!). the shower was co-ed, because I would have been hard-pressed to come up with enough local female buddies of mine to make it worth a party. :)

This is Betsy (turned away of course) and her daughter Sofia.

This is Annie (my matron of honor and Rory's godmother).

This is Charles (my former high school treacher, father figure and Rory's godfather) and Wendy (their daughter Gwen was born about 5 weeks after this).

This is Andrew, my best friend from Junior High/High school (and Annie's son). He also had Charles as a teacher in school...and had been back out of the Army for about 3 months at this point.

This is Katherine, my other junior-high buddy (and the only girl my age at the shower).

Behind me is Andrew, and behind him are my mom and Mitch. Mitch is my godson's grandfather, as well as a staffer at my highschool.

A great picture of the cafe...

Andrew, Richard (another high school friend, and one of the nicest guys I know) and me.

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