Shower at Ines and Armando's

This one was thrown in July by Pablo's mom and dad (and was a lot of fun). Photo descriptios will be added later.

This is my mother-in-law, Ines

A shower game where Ines feeds the guys differing babyfoods and makes them guess what they are


Pablo's dad, Armando

Armando's dad, Placido (who you'll notice is cheating :) )

So she feeds them the baby food...

...and at least grandpa doesn't like it!

All the rest of us getting ready to eat real grown-up food. From right to left: Nadia (Pablo's cousin), Faith (a friend of the family), Aunt Maggie, Uncle Bob, and Melissa (the one who made the beautiful blanket mentioned down page).

More family (from the right, starting with the lady in the white skirt): Aunt Mabel, Aunt Nora (the one in the pink/orange shawl), Armando's Aunt Diani, Pablo's cousin Justin, the girl in blue is Melissa again, the lady in blue in Mrs. Piro (Faith's mother), and the lady in the pink shawl is Armando's mom.

More Family. Right to left: Aunt Sandy, Uncle Ed, Armando's mom, Armando's dad and half of Faith's head.

Nadia and Faith (ain't they cute?)

My 90 year old grandmother and I.

Family Photo. Back row: Alex 9Pablo's little (or at least younger) brother, Armando, Pablo and Grandpa. Middle row: Grandma, Ines and Marina (Pablo's little sister). Front Row: Me, Faith and Nadia.

Another Family Photo. Back row: Grandma, Justin, Pablo and Grandpa. Front: Me and Melissa.

Gifts from Ines's family in Argentina. Starting at rgight: my brother Andy, me, Pablo, Melissa, my mom, Uncle Fernando (Melissa's Dad), and Aunt Maggie (Melissa's mom).

A blanket Melissa (a middle schooler)spent months crocheting for the baby. We had no idea! She hadn't quite finished it when she and her fmaily arrived at the house, so she sat in the car for 1/2 an hour finishing it up! It's so beautiful, it's the balnket we're taking to the hospital with us!

and another beautiful blanket (this one made by Ines).

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