Rory's Baptism on Nov. 26th

Photos Taken at Aurora's Baptism at St. Lawrence Martyr's Chapel on 11/26/05

Rory, Mama and Papa waiting for the ceremony to start

Rory and Mama

Rory, Mama, Nana and Baba

Inside the chapel

Fr. Lenihan, Alex (godfather), Annie (godmother), Mama and Rory, and Papa

Alex (Godfather), Annie (Godmother), Mama and Rory, and Papa

Rory loves water, so stopped crying for this part...

Godmother and Godfather

All done...

Family photo

Seti, Papa and Rory, Nana and Baba

Seti, Papa and Rory, Nana, Baba and Mama

Papa, Mama and Rory

Rory being cute...



and then back to grumpy

Rory with Nana

Rory with Nana (the black and white photo below is of Nana in the same dress).

Rory in Nana's dress, and Baba feeding her

Yummy cake

Rory and her Godmother

Rory on her Godmother, sucking her thumb

Charles with Rory, and Mama

Rory's Godmother's son (Andrew) with Charles' daughter Gwendolyn

Rory, Godmom and Godmom's brat son, Andrew

Rory, Godmom, Godmom's brat son, and Stella (the brat's wonderful girlfriend)

Rory, Godmom and Aunt Betsy (Godmom's sister...and future Martos baby Godmom)

Carissa and Aunt Betsy's daughter Sofia