Rory's Birth Story and Photos

Here are the first photos of her! ENJOY!

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Click for story and more photos

Us arriving at the hospital for the last time

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Hand before

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Hand after

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!


Me hooked all up to the monitors

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!


Rory getting a bath

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!


< ...and getting more of a bath...

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!


< "Smiling" for the camera

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!


< First meal

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Me all drugged still (and Rory all worn out)

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

7 lbs, 11 oz

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!


Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

First photo with Daddy

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

First night asleep OUTSIDE of Mommy (but never too far away)

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Look, Ma! No arms!

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Her favorite blanket

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

So cute and snuggly

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

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