Introduction to Rory

Here are pictures of the first time family got to meet Rory (3 grandparents, 2 great aunts, 1 great uncle, 1 uncle, 1 great grandparent and a partridge in a pear tree) don't forget to take a look at the pictures or Rory in her "Pablo" wig near the bottom

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Us in the confrence room (our apartment was going to be WAY too small) waiting for everyone to arrive

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

"But I don't want to wear a hat, Mama!"

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Snuggling with Daddy

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!


With Nana Pumphrey (Carissa's mom, Debi)

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!


With Grandpa Armando

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!


< With Grandma Ines

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!


< Grandma and Grandpa Martos with Rory

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!


< Grandma Ines' sister (and Pablo's aunt and God-mother) Maciela with Rory

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Uncle Alex and Rory

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Uncle Alex and Daddy kisses!

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Alex, Rory and Great-Aunt Nora (Armando's sister)

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Rory, Nora and Great-Uncle Bob (Nora's husband)

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Rory and Bob! Yay!

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Grandma Ines and the two Great-Aunts

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Nora, Debi, Armando, Ines, Maciela, Alex, Pablo, Carissa and Rory! Whew!

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Putting on her wig...

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

Look at those curls!

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

She's got hair like Daddy and Grandma!

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

And like Aunt Nora!

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

The next day, Carissa's maternal grandmother, Freita meets Rory for the first time. Baba is 90 years old, and it's her first great-grandchild.

Sweet Rory's 24h hour of life!

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