Little naked baby photos
Rory au natrual
First bath! Daddy washes Rory in her munchkin tub! (8/27)
Look at that bellybutton! The cord is off so she can have her first scrub...and it looks like she likes it. :)
After bath s-t-r-e-t-c-h (9/24)
Rory loves her bath time!(10/13)
Little angel baby (no smile...I think the wings itch...)(10/14)
Bath Time on Seti's birthday (11/23)
Naked purple blanket party! (12/09)
Cutie Patootie (12/09)
This closely resembles walking...Mama does not like it.
"Made it!"
Squishy Tushie!
By herself in the big tub!
Look at her rubber piggies!
She's "helping" us unpack
"How much is that baby in the window?"
"Tasty beads!"
Loving the beads
"Oooh, ball!"
Mama's little angel
Look at how beautiful she is!
Parasol and...
Bath time with Papa!
Hey, don't blame me...she did this all by herself
Cute, though, ain't it?
Pants are for "normal" kids
I got naked all by myself...and it was so much work, I fell asleep!
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